Den Hoek

Huib Jansen

Huib Jansen

Since my graduation with Ky Lin in 1995 I have been working as a human acupuncturist in various practices, including Wu Ching in The Hague (1995 to 2006), Zhao Qi in Bergschenhoek (2014 to the present) and the Holistic practice Den Hoek (from 2006 to 2014).

Since September 2019 I have been back in Den Hoek, a familiar nest to me. I am interested in wellbeing, for people and animals.

Started as a physical education teacher, very physical, later with more depth in teaching anatomy, physiology and pathology
in schools and in various healthcare institutions. As a result of my passion for healthcare, travel and spirituality, I started studying Chinese medicine.

That has opened up a completely different, much more elaborate way of thinking for me. I enjoy learning, working together, sharing my knowledge with others, colleagues, employees and patients.

Huib Jansen

I feel at home.

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