Den Hoek

Holiday opening hours

🎄Opening hours during the Holidays🎄

Due to the holidays, we have changes to our opening hours:

  • the practice is closed on Wednesday 25 and Thursday 26 December (1st & 2nd Christmas Day) and Wednesday 1 January (New Year’s Day).
  • On Tuesday 24 & 31 December, the practice closes at 3 pm.
  • Orders:
    • will be processed until 12.00 on December 24.
    • On December 30, it will be until 15:00.
    • On December 31, we will be busy with the closing of the year and will postpone the orders that come in then to January 2.

The other working days we are available between 08.30 – 17.00 hours.
Due to holidays, there are fewer doctors and therapists present.

The entire team of Den Hoek wishes you a very Merry Christmas!

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