Chronic pain from osteoarthritis in horses
Osteoarthritis in horses can cause chronic pain symptoms such as:
- navicular disease
- Bone pavin
- Fetlock joint arthrosis
- osteoarthritis in the back
- kissing spines.

These chronic conditions in horses can only be treated symptomatically, because you can no longer do anything about the joint changes and the associated osteoarthritis. Read more about Kissing Spines, osteoarthritis and sponylose here.
By means of our treatments and medication, the process of osteoarthritis in horses can be inhibited and the pain will be significantly less. The great advantage of this method of treatment is that painkillers are often no longer needed or are given in much lower doses.
For this group of disorders is implanting gold beads a very good therapy. This therapy can be considered immediately in case of serious complaints or if after a few treatments it appears that the effect after a treatment is of a short-term nature.