Den Hoek


Our practice

Den Hoek is a holistic practice where Western and Traditional (veterinary) medicine come together and the welfare of your animal is our priority. Holism comes from the term “holos” which means that the whole is more than the sum of its parts. By approaching and treating problems from different point of views, a better and longer-lasting result is achieved.

We are ready for you and your pet (both horses and small pets) with a team of veterinarians, therapists and assistants . Our vets have completed additional training, including acupuncture , osteopathy , chiropractic and phytotherapy .

At the practice we have pleasant treatment rooms, experience shows that the animals are at ease here. We have a hard surfaced track, hard / soft circle and a riding arena to do a gait evaluation and/or lameness and evaluate technical riding issues.

We offer you a total package for horses and small animals . It is also possible to make an appointment for yourself at one of our human acupuncturists .

You can contact us for many complaints such as lameness, back problems, gastrointestinal complaints, allergies, respiratory problems, skin / coat problems, behavioral problems, metabolic syndrome, abnormal hormonal cycle, etc. Read more about the treatment method .

But we also pay a lot of attention to preventive healthcare. Therefor we also check the food, teeth, saddle, housing and other environmental factors of the animal. We also perform diagnostic tests, such as blood tests and faeces tests on parasites and sand .

We are available 5 days a week.

You can plan an appointment at our practice in De Bilt or at a location elsewhere in the country . You can also make an appointment for a consult by phone . You can contact our assistants about the possibilities.

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