Den Hoek

Treatment Horse

Treatment Horse

The treatment protocol is in principle suitable for all animal species and also for humans. If you would like more information about the possibilities for your horse, pony or other pets, please contact us.

For horses there is the possibility to plan a consult on location, read more about this on the page consult on location.

You can contact us for health and training advice, for example if you are not satisfied with the performance and condition of your animal. You can also have your animal checked preventively, think of the check-up before you purchase a horse. Note: this is not an official purchase inspection, but a preventive advice based on a holistic approach.

However, it does not mean that regular care is no longer required. Sometimes it is wise to consult your regular doctor first. This certainly applies to severe acute complaints. If it seems necessary during the consultation that regular medical care is required, we will refer you to colleagues. For example X-rays, ultrasounds, etc.

During the check-up, the animal can also receive the necessary vaccinations. We tailor the vaccination to your animal in such a way that the burden on the immune system is minimal.

Of course we can also treat disorders of your horse or pony that are not described. Please contact us to discuss what options we can offer you.

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