Den Hoek

Manure test worm eggs in horses

Request manure test
Contact the practice to discuss whether your horse’s symptoms qualify for a manure test. Then complete the digital registration form and submit the manure. Click here for the form.

Manure test worm eggs in horses

It is important to regularly check your horse for worm eggs through a manure test. Especially when your horse resides in an environment where worm infections can easily be obtained and when your horse has a reduced resistance.
Did you know that:

  • a large part of the horses that are dewormed are not or slightly infected at the time of deworming.
  • when horses are only slightly infected and have a good immune system, it is often not necessary to deworm.
  • Deworming horses too often and unnecessarily will promote resistance to the dewormers.
  • worm eggs are needed in the population that have not been dewormed to prevent resistance development.
  • a horse must also naturally build up immunity to worms.
  • if deworming is not necessary after fertilization research, you do not have to give a cure.
  • it is just as important to maintain good hygiene around worms.
  • Clearing the pasture of manure at least twice a week is very effective to prevent worm infections.
  • most of the worm population is larvae in the pasture, and only a small part in the horse.
  • Keeping manure and feed wheelbarrows separate is an important hygiene measure.

Read more detailed information about the various parasites in horses and the control of worms here.

Manure testing of horse egg counts

From now on it is possible to have manure research carried out in our practice. We do egg counts for gastrointestinal worms and will advise you whether you should deworm your horse and, if so, with which means.

In order to obtain a reliable result, it is important to have the manure test take place at the right time and to transport it correctly.
We will also ask you to complete a short questionnaire to get an idea of the risk of infection.

Method of sending manure sample

  • Step 1: Please contact the practice regarding reporting worm count.
  • Step 2 : Collect a handful of fresh manure.
  • Step 3 : Put the manure in a plastic bag and press it flat.
  • Step 4: Put a second bag around it against leaks and a cotton pad for possible moisture absorption.
  • Step 5: Fold a piece of cardboard around this and put it in a bubble envelope.
  • Step 6: Download and print the worm count questionnaire (click on this link) . Fill this in and send it together with the manure to our address:

Holistic practice for animals Den Hoek
Bisschopsweg 2
3732HW de Bilt

We aim to pass on the results to you within 3 days.

Moment of inquiry

It is important to not deworm within the ERP (egg reappearance period) against cyathostominae (“blood worm”). The ERP indicates the period of time before worm eggs (can) reappear in the manure after deworming. It is sensible to carry out a manure test only after the ERP has been completed and to deworm again if necessary.

The following ERP applies to the active substances listed below:

  • febantel, fenbendazole: 6 weeks
  • pyrantel: 6 weeks
  • ivermectin: 8 weeks
  • moxidectin: 12 weeks
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