Den Hoek

Consult by phone

Consult by phone

We changed our consultation by phone. We often have too little opportunity in the mornings during the telephone consultation to discuss new patients extensively by phone. In order to provide you with the best possible service and because we want to take the time to discuss the situation of your animal, you can make use of a new patient consult by phone.

For the telephone consultation in the morning you can still call with questions about your animal, provided that we are already treating your animal.

How can you schedule a new patient consult by phone?

You can make an appointment for a consult by phone if you have questions about your animal, that is not yet a patient at our practice and you would like to discuss this by telephone with one of our veterinarians.

You can do this by filling out the form below and purchasing the product telephone consultation in our webshop. Upon receipt of your application form and payment, you will receive a call back from one of our veterinarians in the near future. The costs for a consult by phone are 29 euros per call.

We try to take your preferred time into account as much as possible. Unfortunately this is not always possible

Registration form telephone consultation

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Graag 2 data en dagdelen doorgeven. Wij proberen zoveel mogelijk rekening te houden met uw voorkeurstijdstip.
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