For product information, please refer to the NML Health website ( .
- 1 – 2 x daily (1 ml = 20 drops)
- Horse 20 – 30 drops
- Dog 10 – 15 drops
- Cat 5 – 10 drops
Shake well before use.
If it is difficult in practice to administer this product several times a day, once a day or once every 2 days is sufficient. Then give the maximum dose of one day. Even then this product can be used effectively, but reaction may take a little longer.
In case of improvement, a maintenance dose can be switched. This is usually half the dosage indicated on the package. When dosing this product, look carefully at the reaction of the animal. In the beginning a higher dose may be required, this product can be safely given in a double dose. When improving, gradually reduce the dose to the lowest possible dose.
With a number of dilutions and extracts, short-term aggravation may occur at the start of treatment. This means that the animal reacts to the product. In the event of a serious increase, halve the dose or stop it temporarily and then slowly build up again.
Give this product with a plastic syringe directly into the mouth, possibly diluted with a little water. Preferably not at the same time as a meal because the product works better when it is absorbed by the clean oral mucosa.
If an animal does not like the product, the drops can be given on a small piece of treat.
Duration of treatment
Horse | chafing and sensitive skin in mosquito season.
Start giving the drops as early as possible in the season (February/March).
Where PUUR Culico specifically supports a reaction as a result of mosquito bites or stings, PUUR Apis supports the skin in case of insect bites and stings. A combination of PURE Culico with PURE Apis has in many cases provided excellent results (PURE Culico in the morning, PURE Apis in the evening). See the sanding protocol under ‘information’.
PUUR Apis can also be used in dogs and cats in case of redness and swelling.
Interaction and contraindication
During pregnancy and lactation always apply in consultation with the attending veterinarian.
To date, side effects of this product have not been known or reported.
Avoid direct sunlight and store this product dry and at a temperature between 5-20 ° C. Keep out of reach of children. The expiry date is stated on the label and the box.