Human nutrition consult
Den Hoek also offers an extensive personal nutritional consultation.
Annette Brenters (human therapist) specializes in Chinese dietetics according to the 5 elements.
A 5-element nutritional advice is not a standard diet, but provides advice that is tailored to the person. In recent years we have been offered many different diets, from Sonja Bakker, to Montignac, to Paleo, and so on. These diets all assume that this is the perfect diet for everyone. That’s not how I work!
A nutritional advice according to the 5 elements dietetics is very personal, there is already a rough distinction between global advice for the different types. A wood type has a very different need and digestion pattern than, for example, an earth type, fire type, metal type or water type. But that’s just a rough division. In addition to the various elements, your health and constitution are also very important in giving good advice. Are you sensitive to cold, do you often feel bloated after eating, certain foods give you headaches, feel fit, or are you tired when you get up. How do you feel about yourself, are you easily irritated, do you worry a lot, are you very cheerful or rather depressed? Good nutritional advice takes all these factors into account.
Chinese nutrition, also called five elements nutrition, is part of Traditional Chinese Medicine. In TCM, nutritional advice is always applied alongside other TCM therapies. A sick organ can cause a lack of heat and energy or a lack of blood and body fluids. This translates into all kinds of complaints and ailments, both physical and mental.
Complaints that the TCM looks at include:
- Fatigue
- Digestive Problems
- Burnout
- Recovery from illness
- Candida
- Hormonal complaints
- Often catches a cold
- Feeling uncomfortable / uncomfortable in your own skin
- Feeling cold
- Allergies / hay fever
- Nutrition with aging
Before a nutrition consult, it is important that you keep a detailed food diary for a week. Here you write down everything you eat and drink on a day with the times, it is important to write down everything in as much detail as possible. Based on this I will make an extensive analysis of your diet before the consultation. I look at variation, the energy value of your food (is the food “cold”, “warm or even hot”? Are the foods you eat and drink dehydrating or do they actually bring moisture and mucus? Do you eat a lot of “sweet” products or very different flavors. During the consultation I will provide detailed information about your current diet and what this means for your health and based on this I will give specific advice.
Don’t worry, you don’t have to make complicated Chinese meals. Chinese nutrition is applicable to everyone. Whether you like a tasty Dutch stew, or prefer the southern cuisine a bit more, my nutritional advice will be tailored to your type, your health and your preferences.
When did you come to the right place?
- If you don’t want a standard diet with calories and weekly menus
- If you are flexible and want to let go of fixed habits
- If you are prepared to cook with fresh ingredients
- If you are open to a fresh new perspective on nutrition.
A nutritional consultation takes 2 hours.