Question: “What would you advice with an older dog regarding being stiff?”

Cold and wind can enter a joint and cause a cold and stiff joint. Therefore, there are often more joint problems in the winter. Difficulty getting up and taking longer to become supple are often the most common complaints.
The kidneys, which are located in the area of the lower back, are also very sensitive to cold and this further intensifies the symptoms we see during wet and cold periods.
Ask “What is Mother Earth all good for?”

Suitable as a correction of calcium phosphorus ratio when feeding a lot of grains or bran. ( source
Question: “How is it that the same horse in a group is always infected with worms and the other horses are not?
What can you do to get and keep this horse worm free without having to give worm cures all the time?
He has had a full pot of Micro comp now but at the last manure test unfortunately still too many eggs in the manure while the other horses were clean.
The manure in the pasture and paddock is cleaned out every day.”

Question: “Do you also work with lasers or magnet therapy?”