Den Hoek

Questions fire 16/7

Today we are going to answer some more questions asked during questions Fires on Friday on our Facebook page. Do you also have questions? You can ask them at a message from the Questions Fire on Friday!

Question: “Curious about your advice for light spatter in hind leg. Suplement to support this?”
➡Phytonics Joint comp can be used as support (internally), in addition Phytonics Omni milk can be applied locally.
You can also treat your horse yourself with the sound therapy of Information Medicine. Then choose the files: “joints general,” “ankle/heel,” “regeneration” and “pain.”

Question: “Which Omega 3 is best to give to dogs?”
➡Both PUUR and Pharma Horse (dog department) have a good Omega 3 for dogs in the range.

Question: “I am very curious what your experience is m with contact allergy in horses and what the options are for allergy testing.”
➡An allergy is (almost always) a reaction of the (auto) immune system. So the key is to get this in order. We do not test by blood tests, for example, but measure through with the Lecher antenna. This makes it possible to detect imbalances in the body and to look for the cause of a problem rather than just treating symptoms.

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