Den Hoek

Sandra Vetter

Sandra Vetter

The partnership with Den Hoek feels like coming home to me. After working for a number of years in various practices as a human physiotherapist, I have been working as an independent animal physiotherapist since 2003. Every training, every year of practical experience and all forms of collaboration have brought me to how I now work as a therapist.

I like to work with horses that are full of blood. I have been active in racing from my teenage years, have been active for years as an amateur jockey with both English Thoroughbreds and Arabians and I still have a support function at both a Dutch and a German racing stable.

Nowadays I am active every other week on my “free Sunday” during the racing season as a presenter at the racetrack Duindigt.

Every day I am amazed at the unimaginable endurance and willingness to work of horses in and outside equestrian sports. Grateful for what horses give to humans, but from an early age always signaling where discomfort is present, I now try as a therapist to trace the causes of physical and mental overload as well as possible, preferably at an early stage.

There is no way that this can be better than by working with Den Hoek measuring methods and using therapies that not only work against symptoms: Either as a supplement to or reinforcement of regular medicine, or as a separate commitment to treatment. From the physiotherapy profession I focus on the daily balance between load and resilience and I pay attention to this during consultations in the form of training advice and exercises.

My work area for horses includes West, Mid and East Netherlands as well as (especially the west of) Germany.


  • 1993-1997 Physiotherapy training (Int.Ac. Thim vd laan)
  • 1998-2004 Employed as a physiotherapist in various sports medical practices
  • 2001-2003 Training Animal Physiotherapy (CDB) + starts own company as an animal physiotherapist
  • 2002-2004 Training Equine Osteopathy (ICREO)
  • 2007-2013 Setting up and running a horse rehabilitation center with aquatraining in collaboration with equine vetarinarian Frans v Toor
  • 2007-2009 Equine Chiropractor (FES) training + starts as practical trainer at FES
  • 2010 Course Lecher Antenne (Den Hoek)
  • 2015-2018 Acupuncture Training (Qing Bai)
  • 2018 Internal training Connection Sensor (Den Hoek)
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