Ask me anything session May 9th
Question: “Do you have supporting products that can be used with long covid?”➡️ Vitamin D and zinc are important vitamins and minerals that support the body in this case. In addition, it is important to support the (overstimulated) immune system, for example with Phytonics Immu boost pro. In addition, it can be nice to support the airways with Phytonics Respi
Ask me anything January 31
Question: “What can you do or give in preparation for a (planned) operation? And after?”
Ask me anything session January 17
Question: “I have 2 young cats and spring is coming. What do you advise for flea and worm prevention?
Ask me anything session December 20th
Question: “What do you recommend for a horse stomach ulcer?” It is very important to find the cause of stomach ulcers. Overall (feed) management is crucial in this regard. But also pain or discomfort elsewhere in the body. In some cases, a (short) treatment with antacids is necessary. The stomach can also be supported with, for example, Phytonics Gastri comp
Ask me anything session 8 November
Question: “What do you recommend for trush (‘rotstraal’)?” ➡ With trush it is of course important to look at the management. Is the horse dry and clean? Treat externally with, for example, Hipposol or Hypozin. If it is persistent or recurring, it is advisable to conduct further research, we often see a disturbed intestinal flora that is related to this,
Ask me anything 26 October
Question: “What type of patient does Erik like most for a treatment? People, dogs or horses?”➡️ What a fun question!Eric actually finds every living creature fun and interesting to treat, but if he really has to choose, he still chooses the horses. “Horses are huge mirrors and are so pure. I continue to find that beautiful and fascinating.” Question: “Is